Creamy banana porridge | Exploring the #dairyfree path

Creamy banana porridge

As previously posted, I hate food waste.  Last week, I was able to use bananas for some top-notch banana loaf.  Due to my overexcitement at the thought of fresh banana bread, I bought more than necessary, only to be left with mushy bananas for breakfast.  The solution? Embrace the bruised and mushy bananas in porridge.

I have recently suffered some discomfort from eating dairy products.  This includes certain types of cheese and yoghurt. Granted, I have limited my dairy intake the last few weeks but I would still regularly consume full-fat Greek yoghurt, munch on some cheese and have semi-skimmed milk for breakfast occasionally and some in my numerous cups of tea everyday.

The stomach cramps I have been getting for a few months have made me re-think about my daily nutrition; with advice from my GP, I will eliminate dairy products in my diet for a while and re-introduce it back slowly, to determine whether the intolerance is a temporary situation or a more serious one.

I am just thinking about all the cheese I will miss.


I have no problem with dairy-free products as I would usually alternate between dairy/non-dairy milk for breakfast quite regularly.  However, I will definitely find cheese and yoghurt alternatives harder to use as I do LOVE my Greek yoghurt, in all its full-fat glory!  I have heard COYO is excellent but any other recommendations regarding cheese and yoghurt alternatives, as well as places to source great dairy-free products from, would be amazing!

Relating back to mushy bananas, one morning I found myself with no milk, dairy or non-dairy to consume.  The consistency of the bananas I used were perfect – the blacker, the better!  Using water turned out to be great as the bananas were creamy enough, as well as flavourful, to create a delicious and warming bowl of porridge for the day.

Creamy banana porridge

Makes 1

1/2 cup rolled oats

1 cup water

1 very ripe banana

1 tsp coconut oil

Your toppings of choice

1.  In a pan, melt the coconut oil.  Once melted, mash the bananas using the back of a fork.

2.  Place the oats and water in the pan and cook until the oats are soft/the mixture is of the consistency you desire.

3.  Top with your favourite toppings and enjoy your #dairyfree breakfast.

Published by

Julia Anduiza

Kitchen experiments and creations of a Chemistry graduate. A recent convert to the plant-based world, what originally was intended for my thrifty student days, has turned into my lifestyle. My passion lies in cooking anything from the plant kingdom, from your humble tubers to your ostentatious berries. Currently, I am devouring local and seasonal food, as well as reaping in the benefits of living ethically and sustainably - and I hope I inspire others to do the same too!

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